Who is Jesus?

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is the most loved, hated, respected, maligned, worshiped, and rejected person to have ever lived.

While on the earth 2,000 years ago, Jesus made amazing claims. He claimed to be the God-Man who came down from Heaven, He claimed to be able to forgive sinners, and He claimed that He could grant eternal life to those who love Him.

To back up His claims, Jesus healed the sick, cast out demons, and even raised people from the dead. At the appropriate time, Jesus gave up His life by allowing His enemies to the carry out the most horrific act: the Crucifixion of Jesus.

Why is This Good News?

To understand why this is Good News, we must understand the bad news. You and I break the laws of God every second of every day. We lie, we steal, we have unclean sexual thoughts, we fail to do the right thing, and we fail to give God the glory He deserves as the only perfect, loving, and holy Creator.

We often compare ourselves to other people and conclude that we are not that bad. However, when we compare ourselves to the 10 Commandments of God, we realize how sinful we truly are. That is why we die. When we sin we separate ourselves from the Author of Life. We make ourselves enemies of God.

Out of love for his enemies, God sent His only Son to be The Substitute. He took our death sentence. On the third day, Jesus ROSE from the dead and opened the doors of Heaven to all who trust in Him as God and Lord.  

Who do you say Jesus is?